πŸš€ NPM Package Spotlight - StackWeaver!

Hey, community! :tada: Let’s dive into StackWeaver, a fantastic NPM package that simplifies MERN stack development like never before! :star2:

With StackWeaver, setting up your front-end and back-end files becomes a seamless process. It even includes built-in support for Tailwind CSS, ShadCN UI, and DaisyUI, so you can get your project looking sharp in no time! :paintbrush::sparkles:

We’re currently seeking contributors to help with the following tasks:
:mag: Figma Designer Needed: Help us redesign our homepage.
:globe_with_meridians: Website Development: Build a simple website to showcase our documentation.
:computer: Code Enhancement: Improve file generation efficiency.
:hammer_and_wrench: CLI Interface Update: Make our CLI more user-friendly.

All issues are listed on our GitHub with detailed descriptions. Each issue may involve multiple tasks, so you can complete one task and raise a pull request. Be sure to read our contribution guide before getting started.

Explore the package and contribute:
:globe_with_meridians: Website: stack-weaver.vercel.app
:package: NPM Link: StackWeaver on NPM
:man_technologist: GitHub Link: StackWeaver on GitHub

Join us, share your skills, and let’s make MERN stack development faster and more efficient together! :boom:


Kudos! Good to get some packaging experience.